Mortgage Brokers vs. Banks: Who Gets Your Business?


By: Angela Colley

When you’re looking for a mortgage, you can use a mortgage broker or deal directly with the bank.

Each choice has pros and cons, and depending on your personality, you’ll have to decide which is right for you.

Going it Alone

If you go it alone, you deal with the bank directly. If you’re a regular customer and have a great relationship with your bank, you might receive better terms and interest rates.

If you don’t have a good working relationship with a particular bank, you should shop around. Even if you do have a bank you’ve worked with, you should consider shopping around anyway—don’t trust your bank is automatically giving you the best deal.

Keep in mind that when you’re on your own, comparing rates and terms can be time consuming and complicated. You may not know how to compare mortgage products correctly or be savvy enough to slice through all the financial jargon.

Each bank typically offers just a few mortgage options, so in order to find the best one, you will have to research them each individually.

Pros of Using a Broker

Brokers are mortgage experts. They know the market, follow trends and know which institutions offer which mortgages products. They’ll also know which lenders are offering discounts or deals.

Importantly, brokers can save you time. A smart broker can identify the most appropriate lender for your specific circumstances and know which mortgages will be most appropriate. They also handle the hassle of paperwork and interaction with lenders, which can help relieve stress from the process.

This saving of time, work and stress is a big factor for many individuals who use a mortgage broker. Some brokers develop personal and professional relationships with lenders, which may accelerate the application process.

However, these relationships aren’t always a good thing.

Cons of Using a Broker

You may want to use caution if you pick a broker. Here are three reasons why.

1. Mortgage brokers aren’t free. Broker fees typically range between 1% and 2% of the mortgage. You also need to consider who pays the broker’s fee. While many mortgage brokers receive payment from the lender, some charge sizable fees to the borrower. This is especially true if there’s a situation involving credit issues or other financial hurdles.

2. A bad broker can favor lenders, not you. The deep relationships that some mortgage brokers develop with particular lenders can work against you. For example, a broker might steer you toward a lender with whom they have a long history—and not the one that offers the best terms. Likewise, if a broker is more concerned with netting the highest commission, they won’t have your best interests in mind.

3. They’re not all created equal. Mortgage brokers aren’t equally skilled and knowledgeable. Some brokers may not know of all the deals and options, which means you won’t get the best deal out there. To find the best broker in your area, ask around. Recent home buyers and a REALTOR® may be able to steer you toward a broker who can get you better rates.

Updated from an earlier version by Moshe Pollock.

Why Your Home Offer Was Rejected

By: Craig Donofrio

You’ve made the decision to buy a home, and congratulations are in order.

But entering the market and looking for your dream home is just the first step. After you’ve identified a home you love, you’ll need to make an offer.

As you make your way through the buying process, remember that your home offer works both ways: It can help you stand out from other buyers—or lead to a quick rejection from a seller.

A well-made home offer is key to landing your dream home, but a poor offer can end in a definite no. Offers are rejected for many reasons—lowballing and contingencies are just a couple.

Here’s what you need to know to avoid the rejection of your home offer.

Was Your Home Offer Too Low?

Sellers expect a fair price for their home and occasionally base their asking price on emotional attachment to the property. If you make a lowball offer, the seller isn’t legally bound to answer, but these things might happen:

  • An emotionally-attached seller may take a low home offer as a personal insult.
  • The seller won’t think you’re serious about buying the home.
  • The low offer may irritate the seller into rejection rather than negotiation.

Low Earnest Money Deposits

Don’t try to win the seller over on your heartfelt interest in the property alone. It doesn’t matter how much you love the house if you cannot afford what the seller is asking.

If you are intent on submitting a low home offer, avoid rejection by submitting a substantial earnest money deposit, which can vary from $1,000 to 3% of the sales price.

If your earnest money deposit is lower than this, you won’t seem like a serious buyer. 

The Listing Agent Has Dual-Rate Commission

A listing agreement can keep your offer from acceptance. This is an agreement by the seller’s listing agent to reduce his or her commission on the terms of representing both the buyer and the seller.

If your agent is the one negotiating a home purchase, the seller will end up paying more and receiving less at the end of the sale—which may lead some sellers to wait for another bid.

Seller’s Demands Weren’t Met

Many sellers present special conditions when negotiation a sale. For example, the seller may ask for one of the following:

  • For a larger earnest money deposit
  • To push back the closing date
  • For specific financing terms
  • For a pre-approval letter from a lender

A home purchase offer can fall through if the buyer does not fulfill the seller’s terms. However, if you include these into a written home offer, your chances for closing on the house can increase greatly.

Keep Moving Forward

If negotiating a home purchase the first couple of times only ended in disappointment, keep moving forward. Those prospects were obviously meant for someone else.

Surely your dream home is just waiting around the corner. Keep your eyes ahead and try your best the next time around with another home offer.

This story was rewritten from an earlier version on®.